Thursday, July 7, 2011

The beauty of Lake Louise in the Canadian Rockie Mountains

 Lake Louise famous for its beautiful and clear blue lake. Although measuring about 1 square kilometers, the scenery at Lake Louis exquisite. Blend between the blue sky, gray-white mountains, verdant trees, and blue lakes make the scenery in Lake Louise difficult forgotten.

Adventure tours to Canada even though more easily. For example, if you choose a program to Canadian Rockies. With a trip for 11 days, you can travel to many favorite destinations in Canada, such as Vancouver, Kamloops, Columbia Icefield, Banff, Lake Louise, Yoho National Park, Emerald Lake, Last Spike and others.

The best time to visit Canada is during spring, summer and autumn, or about April to early November. In the spring, you’ll enjoy the view of plants that sprout on top of the remnants of snow.

In the summer, you can see the shoots that have been growing and flowering. Meanwhile, the leaves and pepohonanyang orangye reddish color will be disqualified. Capture natural painting in Canada, and simapn in Album memories forever.

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