Friday, May 20, 2011

Beauty Of Pangandaran Beach

 Pangandaran Beach is very well known tourist attraction in West Java region, situated in the village Pananjung, District of Pangandaran at a distance of about + 92 km towards the south of Ciamis. Pangandaran Beach is regarded as the best beach according to AsiaRoom (Company website provider of online hotel reservation services for the Asia - Oceania), because they have some features as follows:
  • Can see the sun rises and sets from the same place 
  • Sloping beach with clear water and the distance between the ups and downs are relatively long to allow us to swim safely.
  • Having a stretch of white sand.
  • The road is paved smooth environment with adequate street lighting.
  • Having a marine park with fish and fascinating marine life.
  • There is a Nature Reserve as supporting other tourist attractions besides the beach.
  • There are people who peddle souvenir market and by-the seafood.

Visitors who come to this beach can perform various activities such as swimming, boating, fishing, jetski ride, paraseiling, or around the beach while cyclingPangandaran Beach have enough facilities Complete
  • Field Parking Area. 
  • Such as the Postal Service Center, Telecommunications, Money Changer.
  • Hotels, lodging, restaurants and discotik.
  • Tourist Information Center and guides.
  • Earth camp.
  • Rent a bike and tire pool.
  • Market tour.
  • Location of supporting tourism such as nature reserves and White Sand Beach
Pangandaran beach area has dozens of inns / hotels and even hundreds of classes up to class 5 star jasmine with varying prices that can be tailored to the pockets of tourists who come. Some hotels are as follows: Blue Sea Hotel, Hotel Surya Kencana, Nyiur Hotel, Hotel Hawaii, Mustika Ratu Hotel, Hotel Fortuna, Hotel Sri Rahayu and much more.

Every year Pangandaran Beach held a yearly event or events such as intent Sea, namely the ceremony conducted in Pangandaran fishermen as the embodiment of their gratitude to the Almighty God's mercy in a way "melarung" ataum menghayutkan offerings to the sea. This event is usually held on every Muharram, with the East Coast took place in Pangandaran. International Kite Festival (Pangandaran International Kite Festival) with a variety of supporting activities which we can see on each June or July.

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